
a: burned up the photos lol

b: lol fair enough. makes sense i haven’t got any of my last relationship except on my phone. idk why i keep them

a: just were making me sad. she had this instant camera thing anyway it’s done now sooo I’m just gonna like, fuck around or whatever.

b: yeah. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.

a: it’s fiiiiiine anywayy

b: btw did u get the necrotoxin in the end?

a: ohh lmao. yh they sent me a kit in the post but it was like, the questions were really weird about gender stuff and so they sent me a pack for vaginal insertion and i have to get another one lol.

b: oh dang… how does it work even

a: you insert it and press the release button on the cable attached to it and wait. anyway idk now since it’s like, i don’t want it to fuck with other stuff

b: do you have to like, put it down ur urethra for the penis kit

a: ururethra… idk lol, i don’t think so, i think it’s rectal actually. i can get one and see. also do u want the one they sent me.

b: I’m good tbh i didn’t want it from the start

a: cool cool I’ll just… ah idek probably will throw it away… what u listening to these days?

b: uh, lots of belle and sebastian haha

a: haha depression summer is a vieb… *vibe

b: idk it makes me feel like, certain about stuff or like the feelings make sense. and it’s good like, singalong stuff.

a: nice. haven’t even listened to them tbh except for that one song about the guy with the sex toy

b: boy with the arab strap yeah lol i mean they’ve got like, a stupid amount of albums idk i only really listen to their more popular stuff too.

a: nice nice. am going to see this band called Necroevolution tonight might be good

b: cool. have a good time x

a: ty ty x

inspired by the word necroevolution in The Invincible (2023). follow up to previous story ‘necrotoxin’

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