gravity simulation

bounce a bouncing ball. it feels like falling. it feels like you bounce a ball these days and it squelches bloody.

the way to resolve it is total destruction of the capitalist state and nation machine. set up new supply lines.

it won’t feel right until then. the ball that bounces. you can feel it but it’s not there. it’s made by people who love making and hate work. or hate making and love work. lovehate both. one of them gets you paid after all in money made where? to buy what? more bouncing balls.

bounce the bouncing ball against the shatterproof glass. it has scratches on it  generated to look like violence.

a person in her apartment does an impression of a man getting injured doing an impression of a man. this is not included in the dataset.

where does it go. the feeling. of wrongness. of abjectness. of looking at the ball bounce and finding it interesting and then it dawning on you the sheer totality of the violence involved. shut your eyes and don’t picture your trauma.

doing that without paying someone to help you might kill you. and good luck finding someone to pay. i hear there’s not enough people qualified in being told you’re in pain.

when i get happy what will that be, i imagine the impossible fields of love that i see others experience. this i think, would be good.

will i sit on cliffs and be in love and then think of the ball, bouncing in a steel impressioned simulation and every broken limb crushed under rubble by white supremacists and other genetic extremists, in the name of protecting my blood.

genocide ball. across multiple regions the genocide ball is for clicking. it’s bouncing in your computer, but no kids left to play outside, no street left, no city.

you’re still out here talking about shit that doesn’t matter man. me as well. click click click. they’re making bombs out of me. click. my flesh is a simulation theory zone for the proposition of mass death. it operates in machine ways. put the bread inside it in order to power the ball.

feels like falling because we’re all being dropped repeatedly. until we can’t bounce any more because our blood is a smear across some excel sheet mapping whereabouts the splatter indicates most profit.

gravity simulation, offline. destroy the machinery.

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